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These convenient and simple-to-use treatment pads contain 10% Glycolic Acid and witch hazel to deliver skin toning and astringent benefits. HOW DOES GLYCOLIC ACID WORK Helps gently exfoliate the skin̢۪s dead cells layer which manifests fine lines and uneven skin tones Supports cellular renewal by removing the dead cell layers of the stratum corneum skin̢۪s outer most layer) Moisturizes by bringing water molecules from the environment into the skin, and by ulling water molecules from the lower levels of the skin to the dryer, upper layers FREE ACID VALUE The free acid value is the exact percentage of acid that a formula contains for use on your skin. All Glycolix Elite products list a free acid value - for example, a 10% cream is equivalent to 10% (unbuffered) glycolic acid. All Topix home care products containing Glycolic Acid are formulated with Cosmetic Grade Crystalline Glycolic Acid at a pH of approximately 4. The pH of 4 is similar to the pH of the skin and helps lower the potential for stinging and burning. 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